No. 1 Elm Street

An Urban Oasis

No. 1 Elm Street, Mississauga Ontario

This upscale residential condominium garden design features a central oasis of lush plantings. The arrival court presents an artist’s poem in the form of aspiring stainless steel ribbons. In the centre of

Status: Built

the garden a water feature including a reflecting pool, surrounding walls with lion-head spouts and a colonnade provide gateways to other parts of the garden. Winner of the Urban Design Award of Excellence award.

The Oasis Gateway  The central court gateway and string of trees great present the oasis to the residents.  Behind if lie the lushly planted water gardens and playgrounds.

The gardens are child’s play  The green oasis lies adjacent to the formal playground and extends the children’s enjoyment for hours.

The Garden Gateway

The Garden Gateway

The garden entrance to the Building Layered landscapes with colour and textural variations layer the garden entrance combining the pedestrian entry with visitor parking

The Streetscape  Generous entrances with articulated forecourts play with colour and texture in this custom streetscape and public realm.  Shade trees in continuous planters add layers of colour and shade.

Pedestrian Gateways

Pedestrian Gateways
