State Farm Operations Centre, Aurora Ontario

Natural habitats & lush landscapes

State Farm Insurance Head Office, Aurora, ON

Creative landscape design extends the natural habitat of the adjacent conservation lands to this head office facility. Native plantings are sympathetic to the adjacent ecosystems. Outdoor patios provide

Status: Built

lunching spots close to the building. Interconnecting gravel walks form jogging trails, minimizing paved areas and reduce impermeable paving to maximize rainfall absorption. Site lighting was designed to eliminate light trespass to minimize impact on nocturnal environments.

During Construction <br> The towering buildings respond well to the vastness of the site.  Corresponding large generous sweeps of plantings line the approaches to the building.

The forecourt scale reflects the grandeur of the entrance.  Ornamented with sculpture accent and plantings generous sidewalks facilitate large gatherings.

The forecourt sculptures

The forecourt sculptures

Generous arrival courts  Copper rain-chains introduce dramatic play while draining the large sheltering overhangs of the flat roofs over the generous walkways.

The Rear Gardens  Textural variations fill the borders providing ideal growing conditions with generous tree trenches.
