This residential development completely casts off the typical approach to contemporary townhouses. The adventurous stepped and staggered building massing merges adjacent units into a stunning, sculptural whole.
Status: Concept Design
Similarly, the landscape does away with conventional front yard fences, hedges and gated entrances. Instead, the landscape is occupied by verdant communal courtyards that create unified spaces between the buildings.
The angular buildings are softened by masses of loose grass planting that fill the courtyard landscape. Bands of shrubs are interspersed throughout to provide structure and winter interest. The overall effect is one of lush wildness, instead of the predictable manicured landscape.
Communal courtyards separate the three townhouse blocks. Staggered bands of walkways weave through each courtyard, provide access to groundfloor units, and create a meandering journey through layers of plants.
The meadow-like courtyards are punctuated by abstracted trees made from metal mesh screens and planted with vines. The parking garage underneath prevents the conventional planting of trees in the centre of the courtyards, so wire mesh panels support vines and a vertical layering of green.
As the groundfloor landscape is occupied by the common courtyards, intimate rooftop terraces provide a private outdoor space for units.