The Metalworks

Moving forward with history

The Metalworks, Guelph, Ontario

This 8.06 acre mixed-use community aims to revitalize a large property in downtown Guelph and reintegrate it with its surrounding neighborhood and the open space network of the Speed River corridor.



Status: Construction

Project of the Year – Hi-Rise (Ontario Home Builder’s Association, 2015)
Redevelopment at the Community Scale Winner (Canadian Brownfields Network, 2016)


It provides a range of new public spaces, public access and connectivity; a place where more people will find space to live, work and play; and become a benchmark for design excellence and sustainability within the downtown core. Heritage buildings on site will be restored and repurposed.

The Shadow Wall recalls the heritage brick factory wall that stood along the river's edge.



A large plaza space at the end of the River Walk is animated by the adjacent commercial and retail building use.

At the north end of the site, an intimate courtyard space is enclosed by preserved heritage buildings.


A range of native species characterizes the planting along the River Walk



The start of the River Walk is marked by the Shadow Wall.