One Park Tower

Gardens in the Park

One Park Tower, Mississauga Ontario

Urbanized generous streetscapes with generous pedestrian walkways provide inviting clearly signed travel ways. A gateway plaza bleeds into a central arrival court. Rooftop gardens designed with shelter BBQ/

Status: Built

outdoor kitchen and lounge create elevated outdoor ‘living rooms’.

Winner of the Urban Design Award of Excellence.

Circle in the Square  This parkside community overlooks a centre courtyard and rooftop terrace.    A pedestrian mews provides continuity to neighbours.  The central courtyard is designed with pedestrian priority while accommodating vehicular needs.

Design Award  The project was awarded Urban Design Award of Excellence by the City of Mississauga, for its contribution to the new City Centre.

The Entry Piazza The entry plaza doubles as a public parkette.  Modular planters are used to create a rhythm of structure and textural variations to the ground plane.  Seating disbursed throughout is inviting.

The courtyard trellis  A courtside trellis creates a welcoming embrace.  It separates the main public central space form the semi-private spaces around the main level townhouses.  Combinations of wood and steel provide variety in colour and feel.


The pedestrian mews  The mews with eyes-on-the-street from adjacent patios offers safe and inviting pedestrian links to neighboring sites.  The mews will be doubled in width when the final phase is developed.
